The first doubleheader away game of the season! The Lowcountry Highrollers traveled across state lines into Georgia to try their luck against the Savannah Derby Devils this past June 8th. Debuting for the Lowcountry Highrollers B-team, the Bruisin’ Betties, were two rising fresh meat: BarbieHurl and Lana Del RAGE.
The doubleheader kicked off with the Bruisin’ Betties playing the Hostess City Hellions. The first couple of jams were close; the lead changed a few times between the opposing teams. And by half time, the Bruisin’ Betties were charging ahead on the scoreboard. During the second half, both teams were buckling down, fighting hard for the win. After a few power jams for both sides, (on the slick as ice, polished concrete) the Bruisin’ Betties continued their lead in points and came out victorious over the Hostess City Hellions: 206 to 130.
Click here to see some of the Bruisin’ Betties and Hellions in action!
The Most Valuable Player awards went to Spaghetto Fabulous for the Bruisin’ Betties MVP Blocker and Irma Gird for the Bruisin’ Betties MVP Jammer! Both were definitely forces to be reckoned with!

During half time, the Savannah Derby Devils hosted their first Rockabilly Pin-up Pageant and also had an adorable Junior Pageant for the younger ones.
Beautiful outfits and great hair! So much Rockabilly fun!

The closing bout of the night featured the Lowcountry Highrollers Allstars vs. the Savannah Derby Devils Allstars. These two teams fought hard, leaving it all on the track, and it showed. It was an exciting and intense bout. The Lowcountry Highrollers Allstars were able to take the lead into half time with a score of 206 to 89. In the end, the Lowcountry Highrollers Allstars were able to secure the win over the Savannah Derby Devils Allstars with a score of 264 to 107.
Check out the last three minutes of the Allstar Bout here!
The Most Valuable Player awards went to Doutaz Mania for the Allstars MVP Blocker and LunaChick for the Allstars MVP Jammer! Two strong skaters that played tough as nails that night!

After bouts like these, you might just find yourself tossing and turning in your sleep, dreaming of hitting the track and rolling with us. So don’t forget that we are recruiting and looking for all body shapes, sizes, ages, etc. Come be a part of something amazing and tryout with us on July 7th!