Category: News

Four-Leaf-Clobber – Lowcountry Highrollers v. Knoxville DOUBLE HEADER

Join us March 23rd at ISOL (3337 Business Circle, North Charleston), for our first Double Header and Allstar Sanction of the season!

The Lowcountry Highrollers Allstars (245) will be taking on Hard Knox Roller Girls (238)

Your Bruisin’ Betties will be taking on HKRG:Brawlers.

To celebrate the 10 year anniversary of our first bout held in 2009, our bout themes this season will pay homage to LCHR over the ages.

Our charity this season is the Green Heart Project. The Green Heart Project builds garden-based experiential learning projects and school garden programs to educate students connect people and cultivate community through growing, eating, and celebrating food. Check them out at

Beer and Wine will be available for our adult fans at the game, so please don’t forget to bring your IDs.

In between games, enjoy our entertainment provided by the Rockabilly Salamanders.

Food Truck: Pep Rolls

After the games are over, head over to the afterparty at The Mill for a meet and greet with the skaters! See who was chosen as MVPs for both sides. Enjoy drink specials, just for coming to see us.

Advanced tickets are $10 – get them HERE!
BUY MORE & SAVE $$$ – Buy 10 or more adult tickets and get $2 off each ticket!
Adult tickets are $15 at the door on bout day!
Military ID gets you in for $10!

**A note on parking: we have parking attendants walking around to make sure you are good to go! If you are unsure please ask, they are there to help!

Bout Recap: 2.23.19 Swamp Foxes v. Heartbreakers and FAN SURVEY

Charleston’s Lowcountry Highrollers kicked off the 2019 season with a 10th year anniversary bout! We brought back the original hometeams – The Holy City Heartbreakers and Swamp Fox Militia. Fans began to arrive early at 6pm on February 23rd in order to get the best parking available, as well as get in the concessions line to prepare for the first whistle at 7pm. Thanks to ISOL Soccer for hosting an incredible bout! The Heartbreakers started the game with a few power-jams when the Swamp Fox jammers earned a few track cuts, but the second half of the bout saw a few Heartbreaker jammers in the box as well. The referees and NSO’s did a great job ensuring a fair and safe game. This was a game for the fans to really enjoy, met with multiple lead changes and neck-and-neck scores. At the end of the first half, the Swamp Foxes were up – 117-90. The end of the bout had the official score with Heartbreakers 191 to the Swamp Fox Militia at 199. It was a nail-biter. As always, MVP awards were awarded to Most Valuable Blocker and Most Valuable Jammer on both teams. For the Heartbreakers, the most valuable jammer went to Katalyst, and MVP blocker was Spaghetto Fabulous (an original Heartbreaker!) The awards for the Swamp Fox Militia went to Dottie Demento for MVP Blocker and Lego My Jammer for MVP Jammer. We’d like to thank The Green Heart Project for being our charity, and the refs, NSO’s, and fans who continue to come support The Lowcountry Highrollers.

Complete the survey HERE to be entered to win two tickets to our bout on March 23!

**Photos courtesy of the fantastic Brad Morris


Return of LCHR Home Teams: Swamp Foxes vs Holy City Heartbreakers

We are getting ready for 2019 by kicking off with our season opener!
We decided since its the 10 year anniversary since our first bout held in 2009, our bout themes would pay homage to LCHR over the ages.

February 23rd will be dedicated to bringing back the original home teams, the Swamp Fox Militia and the Holy City Heartbreakers!

Our charity for the entire year is the Green Heart Project
They build garden based experiential learning projects and school garden projects to educate people and cultivate the community through growing, eating and celebrating!

Beer and Wine will be available at the game so don’t forget to bring your IDs and parched palettes.

Food Truck will be Espettos on Wheels – specializing in Brazllian cuisine.

After the games are over, head over to the afterparty at The Mill for a meet and greet with the skaters! See who was chosen as MVPs for both sides. Enjoy drink specials, just for coming to see us.

Advanced tickets are $10 – Get theme here!
BUY MORE & SAVE $$$ – Buy 10 or more adult tickets and get $2 off each ticket!
Adult tickets are $15 at the door on bout day!
Purchasing at the door? Ask about our Military Discount!

**A note on parking: we have parking attendants walking around to make sure you are good to go! If you are unsure please ask, they are there to help!