Category: News

April 21 at 5 p.m.: Doubleheader with the Lowcountry Highrollers and Greensboro Counterstrike


Come out for the double header and see your Lowcountry Highrollers take on Greenboro Roller Derby from North Carolina!  Doors open at 4:30 p.m. at ISOL, 3337 Business Circle, North Charleston, South Carolina.

The Allstars (227) will be taking on GRD’s Gate City All-stars (164)

The Bruisin’ Betties will be facing Greensboro Counterstike!

Our charity for the entire year is the Green Heart Project
They build garden based experiential learning projects and school garden projects to educate people and cultivate the community through growing, eating and celebrating!

Beer and Wine will be available at the game so don’t forget to bring your IDs and parched palettes.

We also have Pep Rolls as our food truck for this game!

After the games are over, head over to the afterparty at Sandpiper Lanes for a meet and greet with the skaters! See who was chosen as MVPs for both sides. Enjoy drink specials, just for coming to see us.

Advanced tickets are $10 – get them here!!!
BUY MORE & SAVE $$$ – Buy 10 or more adult tickets and get $2 off each ticket!
Adult tickets are $15 at the door on bout day!
Purchasing at the door? Ask about our Military Discount!

**A note on parking: we have parking attendants walking around to make sure you are good to go! If you are unsure please ask, they are there to help!

Wanna be a Highroller?

The time has come for the Lowcountry Highrollers Fall Hurtshops and Tryouts!!

The Lowcountry Highrollers are seeking 18+ women, (including transgender & intersex) to become the newest members of Charleston’s ONLY adult women’s roller derby league! LCHR is an inclusive league, and we welcome all shapes, sizes, and abilities!

Don’t really know how to play the game or roller skate? NO WORRIES! We will teach you everything you need to know before tryouts!!

We will be hosting four HURTSHOPS to teach basic skating skills that will be needed for tryouts.

  • Hurtshops will be every Sunday, October 15th- November 5th, from 10am-12pm at the Ferndale Community Center located at 1919 Bolton St. in North Charleston.
  • Each Hurtshop is $10 a day.
  • We will provide protective gear and skates for the day but you will need to bring your own mouth guard and clothes you can work out in.
  • Attending Hurtshops are not required for you to try out, but they are HIGHLY encouraged!

TRYOUTS will be held NOVEMBER 12th from 10am-12pm at the Ferndale Community Center located at 1919 Bolton St. in North Charleston. Tryouts are $25. We will provide protective gear and skates for the day but you will need to bring your own mouth guard.

Save some money and attend both Hurtshops & Tryouts for the price of $30!

Former LCHR skaters attend Hurtshops & Tryouts for FREE!

For those who would like to pay in advance, you can pay through PayPal by sending money to [email protected].

Visit the LCHR Meat Locker Facebook page for more details, or email us at [email protected]

Saturday September 23rd! Unicorns vs Rainbows!

The Lowcountry Highrollers are once again excited to celebrate Pride week here in Charleston! Please join us after the PRIDE parade on September 23rd, for an evening full of derby love!

Doors open at 4:00pm, and the action starts promptly at 4:30pm, with the first bout of Unicorns vs Rainbows. Then at 6:15pm, we’ve got the All star bout ready to crank up the heat in a CO-ED battle you don’t want to miss!

Beer and wine selections will be available for sale (21+); along with delicious food provided by Heidi’s Bohemian, a local favorite of the Charleston food truck scene!

There will also be half time entertainment provided by the Flowertown Players!

Our featured charity for this event is Fresh Future Farm, a city-based nonprofit venture that leverages healthy food and grocery services to create socially just economic development. The ‘Good Food Revolution’ at work right here in North Charleston, SC, so please be sure to participate in our Charity Raffle to show community support and have a chance to win some amazing prizes!

Get your tickets in advanced here!
Advanced tickets are $10.
BUY MORE & SAVE $$$ – Buy 10 or more adult tickets and get $2 off each ticket!
Discount code- pride23
Adult tickets are $15 at the door on bout day!